Societies of Industrial Design

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1、Narrow lndustrial Design
2、Single refers to product design

3、Response to the demand for tools and equipment 

4、Generated in the relationship between man and nature.

5、 It includes the design of material equipment such as tools,

instruments and products necessary for the maintenance and development of survival and living. The core of product design is that the product has a good affinity and match with the user's body and mind.

ICSID: Industrial Design is a creative activity that aims to establish the multifaceted qualities of goods, processes, services and the systems they form throughout their life cycle.
IDSA(Industrial Designers Society of America) : Industrial design is a specialized service work that optimizes the shape, function and value of products and product lines for the benefit of both users and producers.
The council of international industrial design association (ICSID) defines industrial design as follows: for industrial products in mass production, new qualities and specifications are given to the materials, structures, structures, forms, colors, surface finishes and decorations of the products by virtue of training, technical knowledge, experience, visual and psychological experience.

The generalized concepts

Generalized Industrial Design
It refers to a series of actions from conception to establishment of a feasible implementation plan and expressed by explicit means in order to achieve a specific purpose. It includes all the design processes of production and service using modern means.

A narrow concept
Narrow lndustrial Design
Single refers to product design, that is, the response to the demand for tools and equipment generated in the relationship between man and nature. It includes the design of material equipment such as tools, instruments and products necessary for the maintenance and development of survival and living. The core of product design is that the product has a good affinity and match with the user's body and mind.
The definition of narrow industrial design is consistent with that of traditional industrial design. Because industrial design has always been based on product design, product design is often called industrial design.

The latest definition
Design is designed to guide innovation, promote business success and provide a better quality of life. It is a design activity that applies strategic problem-solving processes to products, systems, services and experiences. It is an interdisciplinary professional, innovation, technology, business, research and consumers together, common for creative activities, and will need to solve the problem, put forward the solutions for visualization, to deconstruct the problem, and use it as a build better products, systems, services, experiences or commercial network, provide new value and competitive advantage. Design is a response to social, economic, environmental, and ethical issues through its output, designed to create a better world.

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