User program user waiting time spent mainly on the download

2019-09-22 07:11:37

User Experience (UE/UX) is a purely subjective Experience established by users in the process of using products. But for a well-defined user community, the commonality of the user experience can be recognized through well-designed experiments. With the development of computer technology and the Internet, the form of technological innovation is changing, and user-centered and human-oriented are increasingly valued. Therefore, user experience is called the essence of innovation 2.0 model. In the exploration of innovation 2.0 -- applied innovation park model oriented to knowledge society in China, user experience is regarded as the first innovation mechanism of "three tests".

ISO 9241-210 defines user experience as "the perception and response of a person to a product, system, or service that is used or expected to be used." It's not easy to use. Therefore, user experience is subjective, and it focuses on the effect of practical application.

The ISO definition is supplemented by the following explanation: user experience, that is, all the feelings a user has before, during and after using a product or system, including emotions, beliefs, preferences, cognitive impressions, physical and psychological reactions, behaviors and achievements. The note also lists three factors that affect the user experience: the system, the user, and the environment.

As smartphones growing usage and market share, make a mobile version of the website is an inevitable trend, if you haven't practice mobile website version, so it is time to start considering, if build a mobile web site, make it can not only attract users also can attract the search engine spiders?

1. Understand how mobile consumers interact with websites;
2. Restore your phone interface;
3. Maintain a consistent brand;
4. Avoid any Flash or JavaScript files;
5. Eliminate pop-up Windows;
Include a link back to your complete site.

Reduce the number of HTTP requests
Users in the open a web page, the background response is not much, the time needed for the user program user waiting time spent mainly on the download page elements, namely, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, pictures, etc., statistics show that, for each element, increase the web page load time will increase 25 to 40 milliseconds (depends on the bandwidth of the user).
Therefore, to improve the speed of page opening, we need to reduce the number of HTTP requests. There are three methods:
1) reduce unnecessary HTTP requests, such as using CSS rounded corners instead of rounded corners to reduce the use of images.
2) use the CSS Sprite technique to include all the bits and pieces of a page into a larger image, so that when you visit the page, the loaded images don't show up one by one.